September 28, 2020


26. Does Team Building Get Results?

Hosted by

Brendan Rogers
26. Does Team Building Get Results?
Culture of Leadership
26. Does Team Building Get Results?

Sep 28 2020 | 00:48:16


Show Notes


Pip Scott-Allen is originally from Canada and now lives in the beautiful Hunter region of NSW. He is the Director and Lead Facilitator of Premier Team Building. Pip’s business is focused on corporate team building where he designs and facilitates custom team building events. He works with businesses of all sizes across NSW.

Pip refers to his role as a facilitator of awesome with one goal – to make your team awesome!

Instead of standing in front of you and preaching about how to motivate, how to be a creative problem solver, or how to deliver exceptional customer service, Pip prefers to play games to help people reach conclusions and experience real results!

Pip has a love for the outdoors and adventure. This has seen him gather experience in a variety of roles covering ice and rock climbing, mountain expeditions, tree top walks, abseiling, survival skills as well as being an outdoor education leader at Canadian camps for school children.

So, does team building get results?

The focus of our conversation today is around team building activities and exploring this question – does team building get results?



If you have any questions for Brendan around this episode or generally around culture, leadership or teamwork, feel free to contact him here.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:03 Welcome to the culture of things with Brendan Rodgers. This is a podcast where we talk culture leadership and teamwork and plus business in spoon. Speaker 1 00:00:22 Hello everybody. I'm Brendan Rogers, the host of the culture things podcast. And this is episode 26 today. I'm talking with PIP. Scott Allen PIP is originally from Canada and now lives in the beautiful Hunter region of new South Wales is the director and lead facilitator of premier team building pips businesses focused on corporate team building, where he designs and facilitates custom team building events. He works with businesses of all sizes across new South Wales. PIP refers to his role as a facilitator of awesome with one goal to make your team awesome. Instead of standing in front of you and preaching about how to motivate, how to be a creative problem solver, or how to deliver exceptional customer service pit prefers to play games, to help people reach conclusions and experience real results. PIP has a love for the outdoors and adventure. This has seen him gather experience in a variety of roles, covering ice and rock climbing, mountain expeditions tree top walks AB sailing survival skills as well as being an outdoor education leader at Canadian camps for school children. Speaker 1 00:01:29 The focus of our conversation today is around team building activities and how they can help your team PIP. Welcome to the culture things podcast. Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate that, but it's an absolute pleasure. I'm really looking forward to this conversation. You and I, we've never actually met face to face, but we've had a couple of phone conversations and you're a pretty energetic dude. Thank you. It's all the coffee I drink and no been fantastic for the opportunity for us to one day actually meet. We have had great conversations so far. Well we're not far away, so we'll certainly make it happen. Right? So let's, let's get into things. How about, first of all, you tell us a little bit about your business premier team building and how your journey took you into this space where you are now. Yeah, definitely. Speaker 1 00:02:17 I'd love to. Well, premiere team building is just that we're a company that delivers premier team building events. You explained it beautifully. We design and deliver exciting hands on team events, growing up, going to summer camps in Canada, and then leading them myself. I found there's a real power behind hands on experiences with young adults, to adults, to corporate leaders, really again, disarmed themselves and have some fun and learn some skills behind it, which is what led me to eventually create premier team building. I wanted businesses and their employees to benefit from the working relationships that they could have with one another, wanted Speaker 2 00:03:00 People to be happy within their workplace and delivering excellence. And it'd be awesome. Employees. It's a fun experience with what I've been able to do. I have, I can't lie. Premiere team building really started when I was working for a company that said they offered team build activities, but it was more so of an SEO ranking option and we weren't delivering the results or really the quality that the companies deserved. So I got into developing more programs on my side for this company, then branched off and wanted to do it all on my own because I want to deliver real excellence. I know firsthand what it's like to work for. Good and bad companies and the power behind team building events and seeing how a team can go into an event broken to then come out United and driven to see a real success within one another Speaker 3 00:03:56 Last little bit. You talked about the power of team building. I'd love you just to expand on that point a little bit like you've led various days and events and customize events for clients. What is this power actually look like? Speaker 2 00:04:10 A lot of people call it, call it the aha moments where after they've, you know, Eureka moments where they've they've stumbled across that golden nugget. I like to call it. And the power of team building is a lot of times we have made wrong assumptions with one another within our business, within what we do. And through these programs, we were to break down those assumptions to put everyone on a level playing field, to build some new connections. And quite often we see through these events where people look at it, an employee or team member, who they've never really connected with, and you can see a trigger in their eyes and be like, I now get this person. I now understand their motivation behind what it is they do and how I've been leading them towards this troublesome spot. We may have been stuck in as a leader. Speaker 2 00:05:04 Maybe I'm not communicating effectively. I'm now understanding why I'm seeing these outcomes from my team members. And we've had some amazing events where we've been able to relate to the employees, to the struggles the management have and outline with the managers, how they need to express themselves better to have their team members relate better to them. Cause unfortunately, it's, we, you know, with different positions, there's always division of, of knowledge. And we've worked with these teams to help them bridge those gaps so that each other can understand each other's roles a bit better and just empathize with one another. And it's the power of these events. You see teams who come in, who's not motivated. They don't feel appreciated. They don't feel like they have a voice. And at the end, they're happy. They're engaging with one another on new whole level. They formed some new, different connections with each other and they just related to one another on a more intimate level that they trust each other more. Speaker 2 00:06:12 And through that trust allows them to vocalize ideas and concepts and allows them to become better problem solving people because they feel safe. And through the power of making people feel safe, the potential outcome for businesses. When you have individuals who feel safe to vocalize their ideas, whether it be right silly, wrong, you know, is this an amazing tool for any leader to have? And you know, we customize our events to suit the needs of our teams, but we also pay very close attention to what we're seeing on the day to make sure that we were given the right information. And that times people might not see a problem that we see ourselves as an outsider. So we're able to adapt and change the focus slightly to make sure that the power of this event is truly relevant. And that if we see an issue, we're not going to ignore it because it wasn't on the scope of the day. We're going to address it because that is what is needed. And it's by doing things like that, that we've got a real powerful experience for the team members. Like I said, everyone, it's fun. We play fun and games, fun games, and people walk out happy, motivated, and feel invested in by the company. Speaker 3 00:07:28 What I'd love you to share is you also mentioned the aha moments for you and the businesses you've worked with. Is there any particular aha moment that stuck in your head and you really felt well, this is where we're making a difference in this organization. Speaker 2 00:07:48 I think one that really stuck out with me. It was a relatively large team you're working with. I think there was roughly about 50 people on the day. And there was a real disconnect between the manager and the team. The team didn't necessarily respect the manager at times. And the manager was having a hard time leading their group. So we were doing a program that pushed people to their boundaries. And because we knew that there was an issue with them following instructions. What we did is we chose people who are not the typical leaders and put them in positions of power. And at first we would simply say, you Kimmy, you're now in charge of the program, you're going to lead your team to accomplish this task. And we didn't put any other restrictions and boundaries on it. We just said, you're your boss. Go for it. Speaker 2 00:08:42 And through the challenge, Kimmy then realized how the team was not actually listening and how all these different voices were all talking over one another. And he eventually said that he found very hard to get the point across and really lead the team cause no one was listening, cause there's so much noise going on. And he found that he now related to his boss better because he was having taken all these points of information from all these different perspectives from the entire team. And he was having to distill it to then pass it back on to the team within their direction of what he needed them to do. So he then realized why at times his boss might not be as prompt with some of the responses that they needed because he was having to sift through an abundance of information. And then he realized that what he needed to do Timmy to make this work is to only listen to a few people. Speaker 2 00:09:41 So he's are to actually implement some structures that his manager was using by having team leaders, different group leaders say, Oh, before you talked to Paul, Paul's going to talk to me. You, you formed their style is going to talk to me and then realize that the reason his boss was compartmentalizing, the teams was to minimize the amount of excessive communication and noise to them to get to the true information that was needed. And when Timmy, I discussed this with a team, the rest of them started to realize because they saw the struggles that Timmy was having and they were feeling the same frustrations. And then they realized that this is why their boss at times is frustrated because too much information that's not relevant or too many people talking at once. And the team started to have that better respect and understanding for the pressures of their manager and they connected on new level. And they, they realize the importance of channels of communication and why certain individuals be it arbitrary, not were put in position to pass on the information up the chain. And afterwards you just saw a different level of very soft. Once they saw both as a good level of respect for the team, they now understood the pressure that their manager felt. And they knew how they could help relieve that by cutting out some of the unnecessary noise that they were created within the feedback loop, Speaker 1 00:11:09 That example. And I guess it relates to any sort of scenarios that might come up that you're working with teams, how do you then debrief a situation like that and actually get the team to take that back and that experience back into their workplace. So it's not just another team building event that has been really great for the day and everything, but then there is a connotation sometimes around team building type events. And it does give team building a little bit of bad name here and there, which I think is unwarranted. But the transfer of that learning in those fun activities and people have their guards down, but have that back in the workplace in their every day, how do you try and make that happen? And that gap Speaker 2 00:11:54 After the events, after each individual challenge, some of our programs are consistent of multiple different phases. We do a debrief about what was just experienced, right? That in there just let's talk about what was done. And at first we relate nothing directly back to the workplace. We, as the facilitators, we know that we're leading questions and we're pushing the right pain points so that we're relating it subtly back to workplace, but we're not talking about the business, we'll say, Timmy, how did you feel about this? You know, what was that challenge? I've seen teams do that in five minutes. Why did it take you 15? So we start going down the road of asking questions to just simply relate to the challenge itself. And then we start interjecting some questions that relate back to the business. Where have you ever experienced something like this before, where it's taking you longer to do a very simple task, and then we lead them towards, how does this relate back to your business? Speaker 2 00:12:53 And often start asking those questions. You don't, do you see any similarities of what you've experienced with what your manager, my experience or what your team leader is, will experience and what you deal with on daily basis. And we pause and let the team really sit and stew on it and allow them to use our picking up the similarities between what they've just done and what they do on a daily basis. And you can see those little lightning bolts going off in their, in their minds. They're realizing that we've just done a very abstract scenario that is very similar to the workplace. Then after we've done these debriefs and we give them some skills and some tips say, you just demonstrate X, Y, and Z. So I know you can do X, Y, and Z back in the workforce. You've showed me that you could have the ability, so you can be accountable at this point to yourself. Speaker 2 00:13:41 Cause you know, you can do it after all of our events. We then do a report for our clients as well. And we say, Hey, here's what we saw on the day. Here are some of the challenges. Here's what you wanted us to address. Here's what we saw as well. And here are a couple of points that we want to bring to your attention. We saw the team overcome these challenges, X, Y, and Z, and they successfully accomplish this. They did these skills. The team knows they have that ability. So we recommend that you do the following back in your workforce, back in your place of business, to remind them of these challenges, to hold them accountable to these skills, they've already demonstrated that they can do. And within this report, we'll give them some tips on what we recommend for them to move forwards, how to hold their team accountable to these skills that they've demonstrated. Speaker 2 00:14:35 And then we also follow up a couple of weeks later as well. Just another look, accountability, check saying, Hey, how are you going? We said, these were a couple of things to be mindful of. What have you done to implement those? Making sure that the business is getting the money for their investment. They want develop their team. They did this, they've received some reports on what to do, how they then act on it is unfortunately back onto their hand for a simple team building day. We make sure that we check in with them to make sure that they're actually following through on some of those tips and keeping ourselves as a point of contact to if they have questions that they can do that we want to make sure that our clients, when they leave, have a good understanding of where they were, where they are, where they can be Speaker 3 00:15:17 Great to see that you are doing something to close that gap well done. And thanks for sharing typically, what would a client or an organization looking at using premier team building services, typically, what sort of issues challenges are they having and that they want you to help them overcome? Speaker 2 00:15:37 One of the big ones we're having Graceland, which I think a lot of businesses, new South Wales and globally can really relate to is change in teams, new people, coming old people leaving. So a lot of it right now has been focused heavily on connecting individuals and building trust and respect within the team B it's new people coming in, or, you know, teams having to downsize and having to rely on different people in a different format. We also have teams who just don't communicate well. That's been a big one where they just don't talk, communicate with each other very well. And in turn, deliver bad customer service because of that, those were some of the big challenges that we saw throughout the year of 2019. And we discussed with them on how to be better communicators, be more effective, how to deliver that great customer service because the communication goes both ways. Speaker 2 00:16:37 And you know, trust has been, it's an ongoing pain point. We've work with a lot of our customers recently in the past year, just making sure that people feel that they trust their team members, that each other have one another's back and that if they make a mistake, they're not going to be usurped by someone who's trying to steal their position or steal their authority. We have teams like that. They're on a defensive mode and we don't want to be defensive. We need to be on the offense. Most of the time, those are the big pain points we've been dealing with a lot recently. And the typical ones like problem solving, you know, businesses they're doing well, but they're doing the same thing day in, day out and not really growing, not making any new changes to work with. Some clients who really want to adapt. You want to make some big changes in their teams to get on board. Sometimes you get those teams or that rolling stone, and they keep doing the same thing day in, day out. It's a straight line, but they need to change direction. And some people are less likely to be on board with change because change is scary. Change is uncomfortable. So some of our programs are all focused around making change to help individuals adapt to those situations, how to take that feedback and how to run with new ideas to move in a different direction. Speaker 1 00:17:52 Yeah. You mentioned change is obviously a critical area and those words, trust and respect also critical within teams. Let's follow that theme through and you're customizing your designing events around clients' needs. Tell us a little bit about when you've got those sort of three foundations. So I suppose there's change challenges in the organization and maybe there's a, as a result of lack of trust and respect in amongst the team members, what is it a day or an event look like if you're there the sort of foundations of what you're trying to help these teams work through better. Speaker 2 00:18:28 We work with any clients on an advance. We always do a team assessments. Anyone who wants one, we do uncomplimentary regardless of being a client or not. We find out who they are, what they do, who they do it with client base, how their team interacts with each other, within their clients. We really want to know how the business operates in that sense to make sure that the program that they've chosen, that we're delivering suits their needs. So we'll adapt it in those situations to make sure that whatever we're doing is relevant. That's the big thing for any team building activity, regardless, you need to make sure that's relevant and the result you can get some results that suits your needs. And we're looking at things like trust and change and that respect level we'll do little challenges intermittently through a bigger program where we'll perhaps take away somebody's ability of site we'll take away the entire team's ability of sites. Speaker 2 00:19:33 So everyone's blindfolded bar, one person that one person is now responsible to guide and lead people perhaps through an obstacle course of some sorts. And they need to put their total trust in that individual, because if they don't, if they're that, if they don't trust that person and they don't respect that person and vice versa, there's a potential for an embarrassing moment of a slip and fall, a puddle or the team's penalized in some way. So we start off small by getting people to work on their communication, work on that trust. And we'll reverse the roles at one point as well. So for example, Bob was the leads you through a blindfolded course, you would then have to lead me through different blindfold. Of course. So if I mistreat you, you have the ability to mistreat me. So we get people to think about that karma that, you know, pay it forward kind of aspect within their team. Speaker 2 00:20:33 That if I, after you you'll look after me in a good way, not as a black male or anything, but simply, you know, if I'm nice to you, you're gonna be nice to me. And we both get the results that we really want. And then through our debriefs in that time, as we pause our challenges, when we see a team struggling at a certain points and we start weeding through sometimes the excessive noise of people's ideas and start asking why didn't we adopt someone's idea or ask for an idea to be presented for us to overcome this challenge? And a little mantra that we use is okay, how so? Anytime someone gives us an idea, the answer always begins with, okay, and then how the okay. Is a buy in aspect, allows us to accept the idea for change, and then how puts our trust back in the person. Speaker 2 00:21:26 And that meant to us by having that open communication of how do we execute this idea, can't do it alone. I need you. So there's that support? There's that respect aspect. And we opened the communication. So both parties are able to discuss how they're going to navigate this new solution. That's one of the things we coach with a lot of our clients and see, okay, how principal is anytime someone gives you feedback, customer team member, whomever response should always be okay, how, and then, you know, move forward with it from there. And by taking our time with these challenges, going slowly, at times, we get people to interact with on a more intimate level. And we do our very best to make sure that we mix the groups up. So they're not with their best friends. We've got really fun ways to trick you into working with your best friends, which then results in you not working with your best friends. Speaker 2 00:22:19 So you work with new different people to extend your, your contacts and to extend your reach of comfort and by doing so you start building those new levels of trust and respect within one other, because when you're comfortable, you typically work with those you're comfortable with, but there's a great saying, you know, you're only as good as the people you surround yourself with. And if those, you surround yourself, aren't working that best, you'd start looking elsewhere. So we naturally forced them to push outside of those boundaries to find those better people, perhaps, or those people with new different ideas. That's sort of how we kind of push our teams towards working more together, to trust each other a bit more. We'll pause. Lot of times we'll do a lot of mid program debriefs. We have some challenges that are like 12 stages. And after each stage, we'll just small little debrief just to get everyone's opinion. So everyone has the same level of knowledge so that it can then as things grow, go back to their foundations and trust the feedback they received earlier and seen firsthand. What does, what does not work Speaker 1 00:23:25 Might ultimately, it sounds like an enormous amount of fun. And that word is ringing in my ears. The reason is because you mentioned a couple of times, and I'm just visualizing these days in these events, but a really good friend of mine who actually lives up your way around the Hunter Newcastle area, a lady by the name of Joey Peters. Who's a Matilda's fantastic person. And she has developed some frameworks around her own learnings and really there's so much learning and fun. And that's how she bases all of her practices in the organizations and the sporting teams that she works with. So we talked about a bit of that on episode 10, actually in, in the culture things, pod podcast, where we talked about the culture of youth development, but also know when we're talking fun. There are some really funny moments. I've run workshops over many, many years and various events and things like that. Is there a moment where you really remember that? Something just absolutely. So funny happened in some of these things that you've been running. Speaker 2 00:24:27 I mean, here in Australia, you got to do events on the beach and it's like, come summer when things are, things are nice and people are willing to be, you know, running around the beach. There's no better place. We were doing some events last year, Katherine Hill Bay, absolutely beautiful spot. And there's this one small challenge. It's basically a big pipe, lots of holes. And you have to fill it full of water, but your team has to use their fingers to plug the holes. It's a race. Two or more teams are racing against each other who can fill the pipe, this big leaky bucket. And there's one team member right into it. Full speed ahead. Straight into the ocean face plants. Synthio oceans, soaking wet. Everyone's laughing. Everyone's cheering. Hands are coming off. The pipes, water spilling out. People are then having to react to the fact they got distracted by what's going on. Speaker 2 00:25:18 Plug the holes again, this person's got bucket runs back up, dumps the bucket in half full of water. Mostly full of sand has to run back down. The entire team is laughing. Shear. This individual who didn't care, they thought it was hilarious. You know, they got their teams back. I tripped, I stumbled. I'm soaking wet. I'm covered in sand. Now it's, you know, 30, whatever degree is gorgeous day on the beach. If you did find that within the workplace, you'd be so embarrassed. But because we changed the perspective, the team just rolled with it. And like, this is fun. It's funny, no harm, no foul. We all laughed about it. And then, you know, continued running back and forth. At the end, this person was dripping wet, had to go for another proper swim to rinse all the sand. Cause they'd been tripped a couple more times and we're a little bit crusty, but that one was this pro one of the great ones from last year of having, you know, this, the team all lose it at one point in laughter of support, not criticism in any way, it was all jovial. Laughter of look how dedicated this person is. And they've accidentally dunk themselves into the ocean. Speaker 1 00:26:25 Sounds like there's a great opportunity to get yourself a film crew and record some of these things going. It sounds like some potential for some viral YouTube videos in some of that stuff. Speaker 2 00:26:35 Oh definitely. We take a lot of photos. We're constantly, we try to provide a small little video at the end of the day, all of our clients, a couple of our programs review designs that the team has to take photos. That's one of the challenges. And without, you know, people are doing really embarrassing stuff and each individual walks away with their phones full of photos of the day, rather than saying, I'll put your phones away. We use it as a tool that everyone walks with some great memories. And then we provide this some photos and we've had some amazing beautiful days. End of last year was a bit more challenging with some of the smoky days. But now we get some amazing, funny videos and it connects everyone. It's a great tool to look back on when things are getting hard, you have that content on your computer and say, you know, remember these days, you know, let's, let's all go out and kind of just chat about this. Remember, remember that good old time. And it's a great fallback for my teams to rely on having those photos. We supply. Speaker 1 00:27:35 They are great opportunities for vulnerability and helping to become more vulnerable, which is absolutely critical when you're building trust. I want to talk a little bit about you because experiences shape us. What is it in your background and experiences you've had around this stuff? That's made you so passionate about this, that he wanted to start this business and you're, you're working with organizations. Speaker 2 00:27:57 My short answer is I've worked with the good, the bad and the ugly of leaders. I've worked some amazing companies and I've worked with a lot of companies who just did not care. And I definitely learned so much from those companies that didn't care. I know firsthand. I remember working with this one company and there was customer complaints about certain things. So we'd run it up the chain of command. Cause that's how the structure was. We had to get them to allow us to make these changes. No, no lot. Not making these changes. And the people above us were very much against any feedback internally. This is how we do it. This is how we always do it. This is how you will do it. And anytime we suggested anything new say, well, the customers are saying this well, Nope. This is how we do it. Speaker 2 00:28:50 So the internal customer service I have received from some of my previous employers, when I was younger, I felt firsthand how negative it was. And I then reflected back on it saw how negative I became as an employee as well. If at any time I was suggesting an idea to improve the business, improve service, improve something. The response is always no. So anytime a customer would come to me and say, you should do this. My answer was no, because I knew the company wasn't going to do it. So I wasn't willing to put my energy into something that I once cared so much about because the company itself was not putting any energy back into me and not hearing out any ideas. And when working for some of these companies, I will be the first to admit that I definitely became a poor performing employee, but I don't believe I was totally at fault. Speaker 2 00:29:51 For those times when the companies just did not care about the team, the morale, the customer service, they delivered to any of us, there was a direct correlation to the customer service that we were then delivering to the customers because we couldn't care. No one cared about us. Why would we care about the company? If that tit for tat kind of thing. And I got the end where I was no longer willing to put my name to such a company any longer. So I had to leave and find places that were more in line with my values. And when I've worked for people, who've cared about my opinions. Who've basically said, I've hired you to do a job because I know you have the skills do it. You don't need me to micromanage everything. I've invested myself 10 times more into those companies because I feel valued. Speaker 2 00:30:44 So I know how a culture of caring and not caring really impacts the level of investments an employee will put into your business. Like when you don't care about your employee and don't care about their ideas are not willing to hear them out, to let them help you improve your business. They're not going to give you more than what's on the dotted line. They're going to pull up their contracts and they're going to review it and go, alright, this is what you pay me for. This is exactly what I'm going to do no more, no less. But when you value a person, I felt it over with a company for awhile. And they were saying, you can do this. You know, it's like, you're employed to do this task. We can't do it for you. I gave so much more of myself because I felt appreciated. Speaker 2 00:31:33 I wanted to show how awesome I was. I want to show how awesome I could make their business beats. And it was a purely out of respect for me and these businesses who I've worked with. Who've taken time to do events for their teams who are willing to stop production for a day. Take it out. You go do some team building events or to do something special for us made us realize that they cared because businesses who never stop and never take a moment, say sort of customers were closed for the day to develop and appreciate our team who does all this awesome stuff for you. Businesses who won't do that. It just shows how they, they care solely for the income coming in and not about those who are generating that income. Being the frontline workers and the people produce the products and it becomes a toxic environment. Speaker 2 00:32:29 And I know when I worked for somebody, God, places, I was unhealthy. I was not mentally in the best place. My relationships struggled because my work was so poor that when I brought came home, I was still welling on the negativity. And just everything trickled down to be a societal issue of having a bad culture within a business I worked for. And this is why I launched premier team building. This is why I do what I do. I know how it feels to not be appreciated. I know how bad my quality of work got when I was not valued. When I wasn't being listened to by my employer is when no one seemed to care, wanting to invest in me. And I want to make sure that people never feel that way. Again, there's no need to ever make someone feel that way. And I know from business I've worked at, I've seen how successful they can be when they invest in their teams and also see how, how much they lack success when they don't invest in their teams. Speaker 2 00:33:31 When they have an extremely high staff turnover, customers lose faith in the company because there's always a new face. Every time they walk in. And from an outside perspective, some of these team building games we do, they might look silly, but in the end, there's a really deep rooted message and important value that these teams are walking away with. I often say you think back to when you're in elementary school, you had that really fun day. You walk out of the class. You're like, Oh man, but teacher taught me something. We had so much fun doing it. You didn't really realize that you were disarmed. And that's what we do. We, we disarm people to leave their baggage back in the office, focus on the positives that we're experiencing on the day. Then relate it back to the office to help bring a new lights into everyone's life. Because when you have a really dark and gloomy team, your business is going to be very dark gloomy. And your customers are the ones who cop it. You might think as a leader that, so my team members are unhappy, Oh, well, as long as they do their job, but the energy, they put out, the morale that they have trickles down to the customers and the customers lose, you lose. Speaker 1 00:34:44 And as we know, there's two sides to every coin. So those experiences you've just shared. And certainly I'm sure of a lot of us can relate to those experiences over the course of our own journeys. How has those experiences helped you to become a better facilitator of awesome? Speaker 2 00:35:02 Yeah, definitely. I've been a lot of soul searching, I guess you would say. And reflection. As I mentioned, I know that I wasn't the best employee at times and it allowed me to really break down the why at times it was very easy for us to blame somebody else. I'm a big believer of ownership as a leader, everything is your responsibility. You need to own every aspect. So I try not to blame if something's gone wrong, chances are I had a part to play. What could I have done better? And it's learning from these lessons, from my shortcomings in my past, and really reviewing why I felt a certain way, why a business was not willing to hear ideas and why certain places got into these ruts. And just by doing this reflection and being brutally honest with myself and say, Oh, I was not a good employee because of the following factors and knowing what it was going to take for myself to feel valued and how reverse engineering it from that point of how I can make people feel valued and how I can make individuals perform better by really reverse engineering. Speaker 2 00:36:20 Why were people not willing to hear ideas? And a lot of times it's a fear. They're afraid of change. It's working. Okay. I can keep putting duct tape on this, on this crack pipe and it'll still keep flowing water, but yeah, but eventually the duct tape needs your placed and we need to re you know, this could be a lot more problems down the line. So let's fix it right the first time, but it's, you know, it can be scary to turn the water off for a moment and having to pivot like so many of us have had to do in the past nine months having to make these changes, change is scary and there's a lot of soul searching to really break down how I could have done better. And what by leaders could have done better for me and looking at a very abstract perspective, Michelle, if I was my boss, how would I have gotten myself to perform better? Speaker 2 00:37:10 What could I have done to motivate me more? And a lot of times when I was a junior employee and in these positions, I would try to implement some of these ideas of how I could get my coworkers to perform better. I wasn't their boss or anything, but little things like just be more appreciative of my team members for the support that they gave me, you know, Valerie and say, you know, I couldn't get this done if it wasn't for your help today, really appreciate that. And I was able to review back and really empathize with my experiences, the experiences of others. I talked with a lot of people to find out about they're good, they're bad, they're ugly experiences with their leaders. What could have been done to motivate them more? What could they have done better themselves as, as an employee? And communication's a big one for our too often as employees, we don't speak up. We're afraid of losing their jobs. Especially at this time around the globe. Many of us are in survival mode, not going to speak my mind because I'm afraid of what's going to happen, but on their hand, you're not performing as well. And I know firsthand that if I had spoken up at certain places, things could've been done, I also know that certain other businesses, nothing would happen done. Cause the care level level was zero. But yeah, it was love soul searching, I guess, to keep it short, Speaker 3 00:38:27 I'm going to start to wrap this up. What I'd like you to do early on in the interview, we talked a little about what I would term the of Speaker 1 00:38:36 Team building, the sort of work you do in that transfer of the learning and the funding, the learning into the office environment. If you could give leaders advice, a single biggest bit of advice around working with your organization and doing those sorts of things, but then how to apply the real learning into their real life situation in their office. What would that advice look like? Speaker 2 00:39:03 Accountability being accountable to yourself and your team, probably the biggest, most underlying issue when it comes to any development program, be it team building or anything. If you are serious about improving and developing your team, regardless of what you end up doing, you need to be accountable for the follow through. If you send your team members away on a customer service program, because you want to have better customer service, obviously you need to be accountable for the follow through there afterwards. You need to plan for implementation when they come back, even before they've they've left. So if you are doing team building day, know what goals and outcomes you want to need from that event. And then before the events organize, follow up meetings with your heads or with your entire team, to see how you're going to implement these new strategies. You don't need to have a formal run sheet on how the meeting is going to go, but simply schedule the meetings so that when you come back after an amazing team building day or after a customer service training program, the first day back in the office, you're sitting down saying, how do we implement these new lessons? Speaker 2 00:40:30 How do we hold ourselves accountable to these new skills? You got a lot of momentum. You need to run with that and inspire being accountable to yourself and to your team. And that's where people will feel valued and actually care about the training and what they receive from you. Holding them accountable to the implementation. Just with the way the world is with everyone watching the bottom dollars and everything be mindful of any events you put on, regardless of being team building or any end of year party, be aware of the financial stressors. You've put your team under and make sure that your signs of affection do not contradict those pressures. What I mean by this is if you've been pushing everybody to cut costs every single day and you're, you're driving everyone to watch every single sense that goes out and goes in when it comes your end of your party, taking everyone to the star casino, putting them up in hotels, thrown on a big bar tab is contradictory to every action you've put to the team through earlier in the year. Speaker 2 00:41:46 And it will do a lot of negative damage to your workplace culture. So whatever events you put on, regardless of where you are, what year it might be, make sure that your actions reflect the actions you've been pretty non throughout the year itself. If you've had a stellar year and you know, sales have been booming, then definitely you have the ability to spend more. But if things have been really tight, you know what a nice barbecue with some basic Woolies or Coles sausages or from a local butcher, and you invite the families all come out on a Saturday, go to the local park, an event like that is way more powerful and valuable to your team than taking them for a big luxurious retreat to a casino or something Speaker 1 00:42:32 Like people will want to, if they want to get hold of you want to have a chat, let us know what we can do to do that. Yeah, definitely. Speaker 2 00:42:40 So if anyone wants to find us it's premiere team, and we're also across all the platforms from Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, you can even be more than happy to connect with you personally on LinkedIn. If you want to have a discussion PIP, Scott hyphen Allen is how you can find me your local facilitator of awesome Facebook premier team building. Look for our Wolf logo. The Wolf logo is across all of our different platforms and it looks very similar to one of my big fluffy dogs. And if we do ever meet in person, I apologize for the inevitable dog fluff that will most likely be Speaker 1 00:43:19 What are they Canadian Huskies or something? Speaker 2 00:43:22 I do have a, an Alaskan Malamute. He's my big fluffy one. And then I have a Rotty Husky mix. They both, uh, the Malamutes, the big fluffy one white fluff everywhere. The Rottie Husky. She's a bit more dark first, so it doesn't show up as much, but it's there. Speaker 1 00:43:38 Good on you, mate. Look, thank you for sharing that. I think today you've done a fantastic job in actually definitely articulating what you're about and your passion around what you're doing with premiere team building. But I think more importantly for me, the importance of leaders actually thinking about the program or a, a team building type activity and events in a greater holistic view, it's not just about you sending your team off to do some team building stuff or whatever, then come back to the office and you think everything's going to be rosy. It doesn't work like that. So I think you've done a fantastic job in linking what you're doing and the power of what you're doing in the fun and the learning side of things. And then trying to bring that back into the office environment and working with the leaders to help them understand that that's where the power of this stuff sits and how the results come about. So thank you very much for sharing that. It's been a pleasure chatting and thank you for being a guest on the culture, things podcast. No problem. Thank you so very much for having me really do appreciate it. Speaker 1 00:44:49 I've run a number of team building type events in a previous life. I know the value of these when done, right? And when the leader is fully engaged in the process, I've also seen where the leader has used as a tick, the box process thinking if they do a day away every now and again, they fulfill their duties of building a high performing team. There is a real need in the culture leadership and teamwork space for what PIP does at premier team building. The critical part is doing what Pitt and his team focused on with leaders to transfer the learning from the game, like experience back into the workplace. These were my three key takeaways from my conversation with PIP. My first key takeaway a well-planned team building event will create opportunities for vulnerability, changing the environment and mixing this with some fun team related activities can help people see different perspectives, align this with the inevitably funny thing that happens when working on a team challenge gives people something to laugh and talk about. Speaker 1 00:45:53 Good memories, help build connections. People then start seeing each other as real people. And when this happens, it creates a foundation for vulnerability when done right, this vulnerability can be leveraged to create healthy team discussions. My second key takeaway leaders must be accountable for follow through. If a leader thinks they can take their team away on a team building day, and this is enough, they are practicing what I call plastic Patty culture. They must be accountable to themselves and their team for follow through. After the event, they should play in what they want to achieve and how the event can help the team. They need to discuss with the team when they're back in their workplace, how they can implement the new lessons and hold themselves accountable to it. My third key takeaway team-building must be part of a holistic leadership development program. Leadership development programs normally fall into five categories. These include learning programs, experiential programs like team building, personal coaching programs, mentoring programs, or academic leadership programs. Team building exercises can be extremely valuable, but must be part of a holistic leadership development program to be effective. So in summary, my three key takeaways were a well-planned team. Building event will create opportunities for vulnerability. Leaders must be accountable for follow through Speaker 0 00:47:30 And team building must be part of a holistic leadership development program. If you have any questions or feedback about this episode, please feel free to send me a [email protected]. Thank you for listening. Stay safe until next time. Thank you for listening to the culture of things podcast with Brendan Rogers, please visit Brendan to access the show notes. If you love the cultural things podcast, please subscribe, rate, and give a review on Apple podcast and remember healthy culture is your competitive advantage.

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